Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fake charity collection bags and leaflets held at South Mimms

Loads of fake charity collection bags and pamphlets were seized at South Mimms by Hertfordshire Trading Standards Officers.

The material that was caught was meant to reach south Hertfordshire homes asking them for generous donations. The forged leaflets were in the name of National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI). The officials had no idea what the group was planning until they stopped the van after automatic numberplate recognition. When the van was checked the officials were shocked to see loads of fake papers and collection bags that were meant to fool innocent people. The pamphlets had the dates and timings written on them appealing people to donate items suitable for collection. The householders were asked to leave the bags filled of goods outside their homes and the van was supposed to pick them up. The pamphlets stated that the collected goods would be forwarded to RNLI.

After the officers carried out enquiries they found out that the RNLI used printed sacks and not pamphlets asking people for donations. The members of RNLI were furious after hearing what had been done. They felt extremely hurt to see people using the name of their reputed charity to dupe people, this would ruin the trust they built in the minds of the people.

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This time the crime was caught in the midway and a lot of people were saved but as per the Association of Charity Shops a lot of such incidents go unnoticed and cost UK charities £2.5m-£3m a year.

The government has urged people to pay attention to the leaflets they receive asking for donations. If they think there is anything fishy they need to report it to the authorities and help curb such crimes.

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